I have decided to close Austinblox indefinitely, for real this time. (This is not due to the security concerns, I am aware of them and have always positively acted on them.)

I am saving the database and everything, just in case my interest comes back, but I have no interest in maintaining the project and that has been showing. This is just simply something I do not have time for.

I know some of you will hate this, and others will be like "Wow good riddance!" Honestly I don't care if your part of that group.

I have met a lot of wonderful people here that have changed my life forever, and I have spent countless hours positively interacting with the community. I will never forget the experiences that I have gained here.

I also know that many of you have found friends here, and have enjoyed the service. I have received SO many countless positive messages from y'all. So many that I struggled to respond to them all.

DM me on Discord if you would like a place file of a game you have uploaded, I will respond as quickly as I can.

Thank you all, and have a wonderful night.